
Use Explore for Advanced Anaytics in GA

· Lorenzo Drumond

Explore is a collection of advanced analysis techniques that go beyond standard reports to uncover more insights about customer behavior. Explorations, which are the reports you can build within Explore, give you access to data and analytical techniques that aren’t available in standard reports, such as funnels and pathing.

You’ll have the option to start a new exploration from scratch or a template or open an existing report.

You’ll see three distinct areas from left to right. First, you have the variables pane. This panel gives you access to the dimensions, metrics, and segments that you can use in an exploration. You can also change the timeframe of the exploration here and give it a name.

Next, you have the tab settings pane. Use this panel to configure the whiteboard area on the canvas. You can select the technique, add items from the variables panel, and configure technique-specific options. You can also use this tab to compare segments, select breakdowns in values, and apply filters.

And finally, the canvas, which is this large area that displays all of your data. The canvas can have multiple tabs, letting you use multiple techniques in a single exploration.

There are several pre-defined techniques you can select when exploring your data:

Explorations are private by default. If you’re the creator, only you can view and edit them unless you choose to share.

When you first create an exploration, only you have access to it. If you create an exploration you want to share, choose the share icon in the upper right.

If someone else shares an exploration with you, you have access to view it but can’t edit it. If you want to edit the exploration, create a duplicate by finding it on the Explorations homepage, choosing the three dot menu in the row for that exploration, and selecting Duplicate.

Duplicating an exploration creates a private copy that you can modify as needed.


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