Notepy ideas
- Create tests!!!
- Warning about formatting issues in notes should only belong in reindex
- shortcut to get all the notes linking to current note in browsing mode
- pager for
command when beyond certain length - scroll bar for pager
- pager table formatting
- add rename functionality to rename a note and all the links pointing to it
- strip whitespace and newline from title when creating new notes
- handle frontmatter exceptions gracefully
- In confirmation question, if mistyping repeat question
- add grep wrapper to search for words inside the notes
- When creating new note, automatically create tags from notes title
- When adding git origin at initialization, if remote exists already, pull from that
- extend print functionality to print different parts of the notes. Also support color.
- Find broken links
- Knowledge graph creation
- Support for using external or internal tool for fuzzy finding/searching
- Support for TOML configuration
- Consider using the
library for pretty printing? - Plugin ecosystem
- Implement mouse actions
- Add a star when creating next note to indicate the link to the next note
- support filename reference and full title reference for links
- AI for categorisation and grouping of notes
- AI for tag creation
- AI for summarisation of notes
- Select multiple notes and summarise them into one
- PDF summarizer
- flashcards
- Daily/Weekly/Monthly knowledge summarization (using git/langchain)