Named result parameters in Go
Besides giving name to parameters of a function, we can assign names to the results of a function, in its signature.
One reason to do so is documentation.
A side-effect of doing this is that the parameters are automatically declared ([declaration-in-go]]) inside the function, so they can be assigned ([assignment-statement-in-go inside the function, so they can be assigned ([[assignment-statement-in-go/)).
Go allow us to omit the names from the return statments in the case all the named result values are assigned; in this case, the values of these names would be implicitly returned. These style is called naked returns.
This is generally considered bad practice because it makes it more difficult to follow the logic flow.
#parameters #body #signature #functions #type #result #named #bad_practice #variadic #golang #tuple #list #expression #naked #declare #programming #return #naked_return