Marketing Glossary
Most used acronyms in digital marketing
- B2B (Business to business): Businesses that commercially interact with other businesses
- B2C (Business to consumer): Businesses that commercially interact with consumers
- CPA (Cost per action): total cost paid per action (lead, sale, etc..)
- CPC (Cost per click): total cost paid per click
- CPL (cost per lead): total cost paid per lead (prospective customer)
- CPM (Cost per mille): total cost paid per thousand ad impressions
- CPS (Cost per sale): total cost paid per sale
- CR or CVR (Conversion rate): percentage of page visits that converted into an action
- CRO (Conversion rate optimization): optimization process for conversion flow to increase CR
- CRM (Customer relationship management): an IT system that helps you manage your relationship with the customer
- CTR (Click through rate): percentage of clicks by number of impressions
- DOI (double opt. in): in email marketing, DOI means a sign up process that requires the user to approve his subscription by receiving an email and clicking on the link it contains
- DSP (Demand side platform): software or web application used to buy display, mobile, video or search ads
- PFI (Pay for inclusion): payment you are required to pay in order to be included in a results page
- PFP (Pay for performance): a payment you are required to pay for an action like click or lead
- PPC (Pay per click): a paying method where you pay for clicks
- PPL (Pay per lead): a paying method where you pay for leads
- PPS (Pay per sale): a paying method where you pay for sale
- PV (Page view): a single page view
- ROI (Return of investment): numeric value of your income from a campaign compared to its cost.
- RTB (Real time bidding): a method where the advertiser buys traffic by bidding on CPM
- SEO (Search engine optimization): optimize a website for a search engine
- SEM (Search enging marketing): paid search
- SMM (Social media marketing): paid social
- SMO (social media optimization)
- SOI (Single opt-in): in email marketing, SOI means a sign up process that doesn't require the user to approve his subscription
- URL (Uniform resource locator)
- UV (Unique visitor): a metric that shows you how many unique visitors were on a specific page or site
- GRP: measures the size of an audience that an advertisement impacts
- Reach: The percentage of unique persons in a particular market exposed at least once to an OOH unit(s) over a specific period of time.
- Frequency: The average number of times that an individual reached is exposed to the OOH unit(s) in a specific period of time.
- Effective Reach: The number or percentage of a target audience that is exposed to an OOH unit(s) at a set level of frequency. In the OOH world, a common effective frequency is 3+, meaning that the effective reach shows the percentage of people who have been exposed at least 3 times.
- Frequency (Transit): The quantity of service on a route, usually described in terms of the number of buses per hour or the elapsed time between consecutive buses. The latter measure is also called the headway. The term high frequency denotes many buses per hour, or small headways.
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