
Manage your Google Analytics Events

ยท Lorenzo Drumond

Google Analytics collects and stores user interactions with your website or your app as events.

Event parameters are collected as well, which give additional information with each event

There will be times when there are events that you will want to collect, that are specific to your business.

Google Analytics will provide a set of pre-defined events called recommended events.

If you need to collect events not included in recommended events, you can set up custom events and parameters specific to your business needs. We recommend following a similar naming convention, and suggest reusing event names and parameter names, where possible, to streamline your data collection and reporting efforts.

The values of these parameters collected will distinguish this data, and allow you to analyze it in detail. In the Admin menu, you can view and manage events being collected.

When you add recommended events, you’ll start sending this event data to Google Analytics, but you need to register custom dimensions and metrics that correspond to the event parameters to see them in your reports. This can be done in the Admin section.

Creating a custom dimension can be done in just a few easy steps.

The final step is choosing the parameter you want to register from the drop-down menu. All parameters that you’re sending to Google Analytics, that have not yet registered as custom dimensions, will show up in this list.

Creating a custom metric follows the same process, but a custom metric always has an event scope, so no need to define the scope for these.


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