Link Google Ads and GA
Google Ads is Google’s online advertising program, where you can reach new customers as they search for keywords related to your business or browse websites with related themes.
Linking your GA4 property and Google Ads account will import your Google Ads data into your GA4 property. This data automatically generates campaign-related metrics (like clicks and cost) and dimensions (like campaign name) in Google Analytics. These metrics and dimensions are available throughout the reports and explore workspaces.
Linking your GA4 property and your Google Ads account unlocks features in the advertising workspace in Analytics. The reports in this workspace can provide a strong understanding of the return on investment of your media spend across all channels, help you evaluate attribution models, and make informed decisions about budget allocation in Google Ads.
A conversion event that becomes available when you link your GA account and Analytics property is YouTube web engaged view conversions (EVCs). A YouTube EVC event indicates that a user watched a YouTube video for at least 10 seconds, then converted on your website within three days of viewing the video.
When you link your GA4 property to a Google Ads account, conversion events can be imported into Google Ads. These conversion events can be used in your Google Ads reports, and to inform how much you’re bidding for different ad placements.
Google Ads conversion tracking starts importing data from your Analytics account on the day you click import. Historical data from before that date isn’t added to conversion tracking.
Smart Bidding is a set of automated bid strategies in Google Ads that use machine learning to optimize for conversions or conversion value in every auction. For example, use Smart Bidding to increase conversion volume or reach a target return on ad spend.
When you import Analytics conversions to Google Ads, Smart Bidding automatically starts using those conversions.
Audiences in Analytics let you segment users in ways that are important to your business and explore your data based on those user sets. When you link your GA4 property to a Google Ads account, your GA4 audiences are automatically imported to Google Ads and can be used to target advertising campaigns to those audiences. Additionally, you can create similar audiences in Google Ads and target prospective new customers.
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