Git rebase
Say we have this commit history:
A - B - C main
D - E feature_branch
We’re working on feature_branch, and want to bring in the changes our team added to main so we’re not working with a stale branch. We could merge main into feature_branch, but that would create an additional merge commit. Rebase avoids a merge commit by replaying the commits from feature_branch on top of main. After a rebase, the history will look like this:
A - B - C main
D - E feature_branch
You generally want to rebase the feature branch to the tip of the base branch, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND!. This allows you to merge feature into base with a fast-forward merge, which doesn’t clutter commit history with merge commits.
the command to rebase is
1git rebase <branch>
Next -> git-undoing-changes
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