Filters and Comparisons in GA reports
You can apply filters to detail reports, custom detail reports, the realtime report and summary cards.
Click the add filter at the top of the report. This will give you the option to choose data to include or exclude. When you’re choosing a dimension, only dimensions that have dimension values appear in the list. Google Analytics will gray out a dimension if it’s incompatible with other dimensions in a report.
You can see active filters at the top of the report. You can edit the filter by clicking on it, and if you like, you can choose additional conditions, up to five conditions per filter. Or if you want to remove the filter altogether, click on the X to delete it. Note that analytics will remove the filter when you leave the report.
You can apply a comparison to your report. Comparisons enable you to evaluate subsets of your data side by side.
Click the add comparisons icon at the top of the report. The menu should resemble what we saw when we built our filter. Apply the comparison and we’ll see two color-coded data sets at the top of the screen.
Comparison definitions appear at the top of your reports and remain in effect when you switch reports unless they are not compatible with the data in that report. For example, if you move over the user acquisition report, you’ll see the same comparison carryover. If the report you’re looking at doesn’t include one of the dimensions from the condition, then a blank card appears for that comparison. In this case, choose a different dimension for the condition or remove it all together. Similar to our filter, if we want to edit the comparison, we can click on it, or click on the X if you want to remove it.
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