
Factorial ANOVA

· Lorenzo Drumond

These are studies that have mulitple factors at one time.


This is a 2x3 mixed factorial design. This means we have 2 factors, one with 2 levels (keyboards) and the other has 3 levels (postures).

It is a mixed factorial design because keyboard is a between-subject factor, and posture is a within-subject factor. (example-analysis-of-an-ab-test)

The responses are WPM and the error rate %.

In an experiment of this kind, we would record every entry, with one entry being the performance of a single phrase.

We can fully counterbalance the postures factor since it is just 6 combinations.


#experiment #anova #week7 #coursera #designing_running_and_analyzing_experiments #test #statistics #design #theory #rlang