Example Analysis of an A/B test
Example: first 500 visitors of a website are used in an A/B experiment. 250 are exposed to variation A, the rest to version B.
Question: which version causes people to view the most number of distinct pages? -> Distinct Pages Views is the metric.
Design Consideration
What are our variables?
- Independent variables: the things we are manipulating. -> Site version
- Dependent variables: things that result from the manipulation (treatment). This is our measure -> distinct pages.
The idea behind an experiment is that some measure Y is the result of an effect X plus a measurement error:
1Y ~ X + \epsilon
In a typical analysis of variance, Y is numerical, while X is a categorical type (variable-types).
Independent variables can also be called factors (website variant, gender, age…).
Factors can take on values, which are called levels of the factor (A/B, male/female, young/old…).
Factors can also be between subjects or within subjects.
- between subjects factor: each subject experiences only one value/level of that factor. (either A OR B)
- within subjects factor: each subject experiences multiple levels of that factors. (A and/or B).
Running a test
We want to think about:
- do we measure each visitors only once or every time they visit?
- how many visitors do we want?
- is the 50/50 split ideal or do we need to consider other splits? Algorithmically?
- is the design a balanced design (same no. data point in every condition) or imbalanced?
Next -> independent-samples-t-test
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