
Elm Architecture

· Lorenzo Drumond

The Elm Architecture is a pattern for architecting interactive programs, like webapps and games.

Basic Pattern

Elm programs always look something like:

      │                       │
      │                       │
      │                       ∨
 ┌──────────┐            ┌──────────┐
 │ Elm      │            │ Client   │
 │          │            │          │
 └──────────┘            └──────────┘
      ∧                       │
      │                       │

The Elm program produces HTML to show on screen, and then the computer sends back messages of what is going on - “They clicked a button”

An Elm program always breaks into three parts:

  1. Model - the state of the application
  2. View - a way to turn your state into HTML
  3. Update - a way to update your state based on messages

These three concepts are the core of The Elm Architecture

Elm starts by rendering the initial value on screen. From there you enter into this loop:

  1. Wait for user input
  2. Send a message to Update
  3. Produce a new Model
  4. Call View to get new HTML
  5. Show the new HTML on screen
  6. Repeat


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