Confirm Data is being collected
Once Google Analytics starts to receive data, the data first appears in the Realtime report, and then in other reports shortly after. You can use the Realtime report to confirm that data from your website is actually being collected successfully. First, check that user traffic to your website appears in Google Analytics. In your Analytics property, navigate to Reports, and then Realtime. If no data is showing, open up your website or app so that you’re an active user. If data is being collected, you should see close to immediate realtime activity in the Realtime report.
The Realtime report displays user activity that occurred in the past 30 minutes. You’ll see the number of users as well as what devices are being used. For checking that data is properly being collected, you can focus on two main things. First, is there any activity shown in the past 30 minutes? Second, check that the data you expect is coming into Analytics. Look at the event count by event name card. This card shows all of the events being collected from your tag site, such as page views and any click events that you’re sending.
You can also use Google Tag Assistant and the browser extension, Tag Assistant Companion, to determine whether your tag is implemented correctly.
Tag Assistant is a debugging tool, and the optional (but recommended) extension provides additional debugging information when using Tag Assistant.
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