bubble sort algorithm
Bubble sort is a sorting algorithm.
Bubble sort is named for the way elements “bubble up” to the top of the list.
Bubble sort repeatedly steps through a slice and compares adjacent elements, swapping them if they are out of order. It continues to loop over the slice until the whole list is completely sorted.
Procedure bubble_sort(nums):
Set swapping to True
Set end to the length of nums
While swapping is True:
Set swapping to False
For i from the 2nd element to end:
If the (i-1)th element of nums is greater than the ith element:
Swap the (i-1)th element and the ith element of nums
Set swapping to True
Reduce end by one
Return nums
End Procedure
It has a time complexity of O(n^2). Worst case scenario is when a list is ordered in reverse. In that case, the number of steps taken is:
n + (n-1) + (n-2) + ... + 1 = n * (n-1) / 2 = O(n^2)
Best case scenario is O(n) (list is already sorted).
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