
Analytics 360

· Lorenzo Drumond

Analytics 360 is the paid enterprise version of Google Analytics. It introduces additional features more suitable to big enterprise needs.

More flexible account structure

Analytics 360 introduces two additional ways to organize your Analytics data: subproperties and roll-up properties.

Enterprise-level features

Higher limits for enterprises

FeatureStandard Analytics PropertyAnalytics 360 Property
Events25 params per event100 params per event
Dimensions50 custom dimensions125 custom dimensions
Metrics50 custom metrics125 custom metrics
Conversions30 types50 types
Data retentionUp to 14 monthsUp to 50 months
BQ exports1M eventsBillions of events


#segment #sql #conversions #website #sequence #account #customers #optimize #ga4 #google #audience #sla #tag #property #personalization #sales #conditions #marketing #data_stream #reports #advertising #analytics #aggregated #models #gcp #mobile #bigquery #data #scope