
AI agents as distribution channels

· Lorenzo Drumond

As AI agents become more and more common, we will delegate purchasing decisions to them more and more.

Every new platform that was introduced (internet, PC, mobile phones, etc) satisfies two criteria:

  1. Gives us new capabilities
  2. Enables new distribution patterns

So far AI hasn’t delivered on the second. However agent-driven commerce could become prevalent in the future.

This means that marketing will stop trying to convince humans, but will be optimized to influence AI agents.

AI agents are already capable of driving buying decisions (think of code generation: it needs to decide which snippet of code to “buy”).

They are also potentially better than us at purchasing decisions:

  1. Discovery
  2. Evaluation
  3. Purchase

as they can scour the internet and discover and evaluate many more products than us.

This means that in the future:

Outsourcing purchasing power to agents is a natural evolution from how we discover and buy new products today.


#ai #decision #agents #buying #ml #distribution #channel #marketing