Filtering for "Programming"
- Random Forests
- Feature Importance in Decision Trees
- Decision Tree Regression
- Decision Trees Classification
- Encoding Text in Emojis
- Dynamic Time Warping
- Hash Map Resizing
- Linear Probing
- Database Index
- ACID properties
- Bayesian Inference - PyMC example
- Bayesian Inference - Estimating the Parameter
- Bayesian Inference - Continuous Distributions
- Bayesian Inference - Discrete Distributions
- Bayesian Inference - Probability Distributions
- Bayesian Inference - introduction
- CORS Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
- DFS vs BFS
- Depth First Search
- Types of Graph
- Breadth First Search
- Adjacency List for Graphs
- Adjacency Matrix for Graphs
- Graph Data Structure
- Trie Data Structure
- Hash Function
- Hash Map Data Structure
- RB-tree Insertion
- Rotation in RB-trees
- Balancing Property of RB-trees
- Strongly Connected Graph
- Aperiodic Graph
- PageRank algorithm
- Markov Chains in Machine Learning
- Markov Chains
- Red Black Tree
- Unbalanced Binary Search Tree
- Python Storage VS Memory
- Python Variable Packing
- Binary Tree Data Structure
- Tree Data Structure
- Linked List Data Structure
- Queue Data Structure
- Data structures
- Recursive Sets
- Decision Problem
- NP complete
- halting problem
- Deterministic Turing Machine
- Nondeterministic Turing Machine
- Non deterministic polynomial time
- Big O summary
- P algorithms
- Polynomial VS Exponential time
- selection sort algorithm
- quicksort algorithm
- insertion sort algorithm
- merge sort algorithm
- bubble sort algorithm
- binary search algorithm
- Big O Notation Formal Definition
- Big O Notation
- What is an algorithm
- html cheatsheet
- Currying
- Closures
- Referential transparency
- Pure Functions
- Classes VS Functions
- Functional programming
- Function signature
- Constructors in OOP
- Dry Code
- Clean Code
- gitignore
- Git remotes
- Git undoing changes
- Git rebase
- Git fast-forward merge
- Git merging
- Git branches
- Git configuration
- Git snapshot optimisation
- Git tree and blob
- Git basic plumbing
- Git commit history and logs
- Git stage and commit
- Git repos
- Git porcelain and plumbing
- Git workflow
- Git states
- Git tips and uses
- The Unix philosophy
- Shebang
- Difference between Bugs and Errors
- Parameters vs arguments
- Quick Python tips and facts
- Data Types
- Dependency Injection
- Object Oriented Programming
- Software Design tips
- Elm Architecture
- Protocol Stack
- Monkey Patching
- What is JSON-RPC
- What is RPC
- What is the Language Server Protocol
- Linear Time Majority Algorithm
- Unix Pipes
- File Descriptors
- Network sockets in Golang
- Network Sockets
- Unix Domain Sockets in Golang
- Unix Domain Sockets
- Manacher's algorithm
- Backtracking
- Regression testing
- Memoization
- Dynamic Programming
- Definition of buffer
- Channels in Goroutines
- Goroutines
- Readers in Go
- Errors in Go
- Stringers interface in Go
- Type switches in Go
- Type assertions in Go
- The empty interface in Go
- Nil in Go
- Interface values with nil underlying values in Go
- Interface Values in Go
- Interfaces in Go
- Choosing a value or pointer receiver in Go
- Methods on non struct-types
- Pointers to struct
- About testing other's people code
- Comparing JSON
- Golden Files
- Marshalling
- Flow Engineering
- Clever code and obviousness-oriented programming
- Backus Naur Form (BNF)
- Unit tests VS Integration tests
- Liskov substitution principle
- Exiting in Go
- Building an executable in Go
- The init function in Go
- Compilation in Go
- Variadic Functions in Go
- Modifying result parameters after exit in Go
- Named result parameters in Go
- The defer keyword in Go
- Closures in Go
- Function literals in Go
- Functions as values in Go
- Functions in Go
- Controlling nested loops with labels in Go
- Continue and Break in For loops in Go
- Init and Post statements in For loops in Go
- Loops in Go
- Switch expressions
- Go Switch cases
- Compound if statements in Go
- Early return
- Happy path
- If statements in Go
- Increment and decrement statements in Go
- Assigning more than one value in Go
- Declaration in Go
- Assignment statement in Go
- Statements in Go
- Iota constant in Go
- Defining constants in Go
- Use a map to represent a set in Go
- Unexported fields and cmp.Equal in Go
- Validating methods in Go
- Go maps
- Pointer methods in Go
- Go methods on non-local types
- WebAssembly (WASM)
- Copy-and-Patch JIT
- Just-in-Time JIT
- Go pointers
- Go struct wrappers
- Go types and methods
- Sorting a slice in Go
- Non-existent keys in Go maps
- Updating struct elements inside a map in Go
- Test coverage in Go
- User stories in development
- Writing Struct literals in Go
- Exported Identifiers in Go
- Composite values and structs in Go
- Shorthand assignment in Go
- Zero values and default values in Go
- Values and Variables in Go
- Blank identifier in Go
- Go main package
- Go test driven development process
- Fatalf and Errorf in Go testing
- One behaviour, one test
- Multiple values in Go functions
- Test cases
- Test driven feature design
- Conditional expressions in Go
- want-and-got pattern
- Go tests
- Go modules
- Writing tests
- Python logging
- Caching
- Cache decorator python
- Projects
- Garbage collectors
- Stack Overflow
- Stack Data Structure
- Heap and Stack
- Structural subtyping
- Subtypes
- Types
- Simple subtyping